Friday, May 26, 2006

Fun and Funny Birthday and other Greetings

happy birthday from "the minister farrakhan" happy conservation birthday from "al gore" this ones more iffy but yes "the clinton/s" are running for high office again

Books of Note: Godless, America, and Showdown

Why does it take an outsider to reveal political correct nonsense in the church? That title is 'godless' not 'goddess'. LOL. Some appreciate Ann a bit too much. But sure, you can click here to get her book. And why not? She hasn't started calling the Presidents, former Presidents and/or her detractors 'Nazis' like so many other 'more respectable' books by media elites, and posturing, popular, political leftists, and university professors are doing.

Bill Bennett for President! Not likely but he is a good man and a clear thinker. Like the Ann Coulter book, if you buy this one for me, I will read it gladly. And yes, you can click here to buy it.

I'll admit it. I like Laura Ingraham's radio show and this is where I heard about this book. From the interview it sounds like another I'd love to read. Can someone tell me why our major media and a major political party want Bush censured but have nothing to say when China uses Yahoo and Google to censure Chinese access to democratic principles and resources on the web. Where is the library association's 'death cry'? Why isn't the ACLU going after Google and Yahoo? I didn't think there was any way to stop (porn) the internet information from coming into a country. Simply impossible. But not for the Chinese with the help of Google and Yahoo.

I suppose they are just keeping their CNN office open in Baghdad so they just HAVE to censure freedom. Click here to get the above mentioned book.

Speaking of censureship, here's one that seems reasonable for Jimmy... Carter.

Though George W. Bush isn't running for President again (someone tell the liberals!) Al Gore might be. Here is a very fun tribute to the main who rants and raves with the best of them. Click here for a 30 second ride with Al. Enjoy!

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Da Vinci Code Movie Not Off to a Good Start...

Well apparently the movie reviewers aren't too impressed with the Da Vinci Code movie. On the other hand, this could be a sign that it is a good one! Either way I'm sure you are likewise tired of the hype and responses. For a decent bibliography of the main points of contention with orthodox Christianity, and in conjunction with a dear friend, I offer these resources for your empathy, instruction in apologetics, edification, and use in evangelism.

Thursday, May 11, 2006

Palestinian history rewriting and realities

Sometimes the ole Palestine and Palestinian jargon just rolls off the tongue compliments of religious diversity 'correctness' and the formerly mainstream media's unwillingness to critique anything nonwestern. Nevertheless, sometimes a clarifying moment occurs. This is one such.

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Emoting on Gas and Big Oil

Of course when one views the lavish palaces of the really big oil barons in the middle east, the prodigal fleets of Rolls Royces and such and the surrounding poverty may just emote rightly. Until then some economics might bring more light than mere obscenities related to our side of the pond. For the full story.

Brent Bozell focus on 'culture of corruption' charges

The analogy of the historically big, major networks, treating the news like the Capitol Police treated Kennedy, is outrageously funny and perfectly fitting. Enjoy the full story.

Thursday, May 04, 2006

Free Speech on Campus ...?...

Here's one for professors and a new kind of vandalizing speech on campus.