Saturday, June 30, 2007

Yahoo gets a story pretty close on stem cell unethics
Australia joins the UK as State sanctioning tiny, unique human creations with animals and using human fetuses to be mothers and then killing the moms and such. They rightly say no cures forthcoming anytime soon for such 'bold' new State sanctioned 'science'.

I find myself in agreement with the Anglicans there and the Catholics. The sad part is the assessement that without such specific application of science, there is no hope for cures. That is highly questionable. Should we toss all our research for cures for cancer cause it isn't currently research requiring the creation of unique human lives for destruction/experimentation, cause it is hopeless witout this one approach?

I believe what they've passed in Australia should not only NOT be State sanctioned and supported, but should be discouraged and punishable by law. That said, I'd be genuinely curious of your thoughts both on this topic and on how yahoo reports on it in the link above.

Sunday, June 17, 2007

Funny new flash movie on absurd beliefs... Enjoy.

Click here to enjoy for funny new flash movie on absurd beliefs, principled pluralism, and an intriguing / humorous conclusion. Right click to 'open in a new window' or just close the window to return here.

Thursday, June 14, 2007

Tiller the Killer in Kansas, late term abortion activism

How Pro-Life, the culture of death, the rule of law, activist judges, politics, and the "good ole (boy) person" networks work in real time in a pretty clear case needing and deserving prosecution. Read, sign, and give your 2 cents.