Friday, December 26, 2008

My Australian blogger friend Bill doesn't let Warren off the hook.

I am encouraged that President-Elect Barack Obama invited pro marriage & pro life, and not just in rhetoric like Jim Wallis & Sojourners but in real action both in service, AND with political votes and action privately and yes in rhetoric and consistent instruction, Rick Warren to speak at Obama's inauguration service. I DO empathize with my Australian friend Bill's convictions expressed on his blog. I also feel the pull of the argument of Al Moehler quoted by Bill.

I thank God for Bill and his perspectives. But I am glad for this Obama/Warren development on other, hereto unmentioned grounds. Here is one of those hereto unmentioned grounds. The political heat and hate from Barney Frank and the Kennedy's (the latter being great 'friends' of George W. Bush during some of W's worse spending prodigal moments). Fickle friendships. Sometimes a person like Obama can benefit and has a genuine need-to-know the true nature and level and same-party, fickle- functionary depth of some friendships. He may not fully discern such yet. Frankly he seems a little slow on such matters, Hillary positioning excepted.

If he watches the way fellow party partisans privately speak of Al Gore, John Kerry, Joe Lieberman, Geraldine Ferraro, or John Edwards... it will become very clear that Obama's populace-feigned messiah-ship is not so much about melanin levels, making history on the basis of identity-group, emotional reparations by the electorate, or the wielding of Illinois political powers, nor is it even about how much wealthy Hollywood or Soros loathe all things Bush, but it is precisely about abortion and homosexuality. The powerful in the party-of-death can even forgive his putting war supporting Hillary as Secretary of State or keeping Gates and company in the war room, but these issues (abortion and homosexuality) are THE religion of the culture of death. Good thoughts Bill (read him here) but I think I'm leaning toward GLAD that Warren is speaking, if he really gets to speak his mind and heart on a wider angle of justice and prays and behaves justly in doing so. In short, the jury is out.

Joel doesn't allow the media favorites a 'free pass'.

Good one, Joel.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Some new links, one is funny and one informative

OK, the informative one first.

My best friend (only a best friend would do such a thing) sent me this one today. It is easily changed to tease one of your friends, but give a look. It is pretty amazing in that it shows up in video formatting.

Monday, October 06, 2008

In Democrat-correctnesses own words

I guess all that remains is the question of how soon the impeachment proceedings can begin against Barney Frank and Maxine Waters. Or how long before the media begin stating what is obvious in this ad.

Thursday, October 02, 2008

Don't like values voter issues? Try moderate fiscal ones

This video I believe shows how 'values' affect a lot of things but it may appeal more to fiscal conservatives and reasonable fiscal moderates. Classical music background is cool but feel free to use the pause button generously as there is a LOT of great data in this puppy and over a million have viewed it. Keep forwarding and commenting.

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Jeff Jacoby fact checks on Sarah Palin, exposes MSM...

and he also shows how their hateful, smearing, double standards and clear partisanship are backfiring on them. Read a great article by a great writer here.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Obama, Obama followers, Ethics reform on Wall Street...

I remember a cliche situation of someone apparently being invited to a cookout or to dinner and discovering it was 5 minutes of cookout or 15 minutes of dinner and 1 hour of Amway or 1 hour of a church outreach meeting. For those who have had such experiences as I have had, it is hard not to feel used and manipulated. Bait and switch ethics. Have you ever felt this?

Is it just me? Is it just Purdue? Or is it just in election years? I do not know. But I know I've experienced this now twice in less than a three week window since campuses started up this fall. And both times it was at the hands of Obama partisans. At Purdue student organizations are SUPPOSE to clearly state the sponsoring group behind events. PC political groups of the partisan persuasion most in line with university power structure ideologies are apparently excepted.

The two events I speak of are these. The first was after one of the home football games, sidewalks were chalked nicely, promoting a free concert and associated activities. It was an Obama fest voter registration event. Someone mentioned to me that I should have known since all the 'chalkers' were wearing Obama shirts but my point is that none of the adverts in chalk even remotely mentioned 'Democrat', 'Obama', or 'Politics' though there may have been some vague reference to community (as in community organizing, perhaps?). It was evasive.

Then the other day at a religious leaders meeting an impassioned plea was made to come to the Memorial Mall and see the boots of soldiers from Indiana and the tiny shoes of Iraq (guess none died in Afghanistan) war victims and just think about this. Now admittedly it was mentioned that the 'reflection' event was sponsored by 'Friends' and another group that anyone with informing theological knowledge would recognize are pacifists, anti-war, and for the candidate they believe will most likely bring all wars to an end (even as he speaks of stepping up war efforts in Afghanistan and maybe even Pakistan!).

After nearly a 100 religious leaders heard the impassioned promotion of the 'religious reflection' event on the mall, and the group was dismissed, I drove by at a high student traffic time. What I saw was only a large Obama banner, very large, and three or four people (were they students, I do not know) at the booth including inquiring persons. I suspect most memorialize the sacrifice our military make on Memorial Day and on the 4th of July and on Veterans' Day and Flag Day and were proud of our young men and women who died for freedom's cause rather than from binge drinking, or are recovering from post traumatic stress from being groped at fraternity and dorm and beach bar parties in campuses across the USA.

Some may have resented the use of someone other than the soldier tagged, boots being USED to represent those of an actual USA military personnel in this liberal, leftist, politically partisan, but billed as merely an open minded religious reflection event. Again, it was an Obama fest.

Like Obama's answers on how both political houses which make the laws that govern among other things the financial scene that is sagging these days. And his response to how those houses have both been dominated by his own Party for the last full election cycle...and haven't been part of any solutions. But HAVE been part of emotional demonizing of any solutions or attempts at bi-partisanship to any problems by the current President who they love to sensitively hate. Evasive. Using Sheehan then saying he'll step up troops in Afghanistan. Manipulating Hillary supporters then dumping them for Biden. And now, well I guess I shouldn't be surprised at how the followers are not clear in advertising, manipulative, using people for their cause. I'm just glad I do not live in Milwaukee where alternative political operatives had their poll running tires slashed. All for the 'cause' of peace and sensitivity.

I've no problem with free speech and campaigning and clearly the campus is a buzz with such almost every year. But deception, manipulation, false advertising, evasion of sponsorship or event intent, well it doesn't strike me as modeling the kind of ethic reform that American campuses, Wall Street, student organizations, religious groups, or anyone really, would benefit from.

Have you seen this bait and switch on your campuses or in factories or union shops or teachers unions or other contexts? I'm sure there are some small, less organized number of military personnel that sometimes go too far in lobbying while serving, and the GOP has its issues as does Ron Paul postings everywhere, but it just seems like when they do their thing, it is super clear right up front. Is this really just super sophistication again? Ivy League nuancing? Law school complexity? What are you seeing these days? Or is discernment the vanishing spiritual gift? If the turnout on the Memorial Mall yesterday was any indication, there is more discernment than we may think, and for this we can be grateful.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Thursday, September 04, 2008

Pro-Life Palin for President, 2 great reasons here

Sarah Palin for President! Two good reasons here. Do a quick refresh if you get an MSNBC commercial and skip their advertisers.

#1 One, Sarah Palin herself:
Condi Rice foolishly says we should divide Jerusalem, Israel to make room for the capitol of the Hamas-istinians...and the same day the hurricane slams the USA so bad the GOP convention goes on hold.

The next day RUDY says McCain is NOT for a divided Jerusalem, Israel and believes it belongs to Israel. And then a strongly pro-life, godly, gutsy, brilliant woman is to be the VP nominee speaking on a national stage and what do you know, the second wave hurricane storm isn't nearly as bad. Was that just my imagination? Perhaps. I take Genesis 12:2-3 rather seriously. You might question my hermeneutic or attempt to exaggerate specifics of what I'm blessing. No doubt some will.

But Sarah Palin's message above was fabulous! RUDY was very incredulously humorous and spot-on about Israel and Jerusalem, here.

#2 Two:

Wednesday, September 03, 2008

Joe Lieberman far from boring, uncompromised patriot.

Honestly I thought Joe Lieberman would be boring. I didn't even want to watch. But I had paper work to do and had some time. I am so glad I heard him. Give a listen. It is in two parts on youtube. Here are the links in reverse order.

Pt. 2

Pt. 1

One of his funniest lines was a contrast on eloquence and another was on being Michael Moore's favorite Democrat. He was unusually good though the 'global warming' thing (while mixed in with two other applause worthy items) was misguided. Other than that, even what he said about Bill Clinton was accurate and had integrity.

Why isn't he pro-life? Is he afraid if he embraced that he might have to become something else that he may fear or what?! I don't get it. He has a lot of integrity.

Fred Thompson on Character, Laura on Cindy, fabulous

Laura and George W. Bush on Cindy McCain, Sarah Palin, and John McCain. Laura is probably best in her brief message on Cindy McCain.

Fred Thompson's powerful presentation on Sarah Palin and John McCain. Fred is a fabulous speaker and this is one of his very best if not finest.

Did you see these? What did you think?

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Brent Bozell, Media Watch, Barack Obama

One of the best things about this informative video clip is John Edwards. Where did John Edwards find this amount of pluck? See the video link below...

I do not care if Barack is a former Muslim or not. The media is intriguing on this question and the amount of obfuscation. I guess I mildly wonder what Muslim nation leaders may think of this with their 'tolerance' about conversion from Islam to even a liberationist, cause-centric, radical social gospel variety of Christendom.

I don't care for his positions pro war in Afghanistan but not in Iraq where we've had so much progress, or his position on abortion (pro-partial birth abortion and abortion survivor infanticide), or his choice of long-time mentors. Not impressed at all, in fact I'm alarmed at these. I'm also not fond of his philosophy of Supreme Court justice appointees in these days of Gay Marriage law-making by non-legislature judges in CA and Mass. However, thus far I have appreciated his communication style.

Click HERE to see the video.
Doesn't it seem like John Edwards is on steroids? Should there be a Congressional investigation??? LOL.

Saturday, April 12, 2008

Did potential President Barack Hussein glitch?

Was there a sudden burst of rationality in the otherwise emotive buzz of the Barack H. Obama camp? I am speaking of course of his reversal of tact. Prior to this week I believe Senator BHO was touting that W is bad and world leaders all agree because Bush doesn't sit down with our political and military enemies and have a peaceful, bridge building chat.

This week the former President of the BHO and Hillary Clinton Party, the patron saint of all that is peace loving, Jimmy Carter is planning on or actually meeting with the leader of Hamas. That cute little organization that makes the KKK look mild. The sweet little bunch that teaches children to commit suicide killing innocent non combatants purposefully without even having military targets as collateral damage. Hamas teaches children that Jewish people are actual pigs and dogs. Jimmy wants to have tea with them because he believes it is Israel's fault they they are twisted as they are.

Well Barack, I never knew an appeasement, thug, or bigoted mentor he couldn't overlook and and join hands with for the 'hope that is on the way', apparently has said that President Jimmy Carter should NOT be meeting and negotiating with the head of Hamas. Barack H.O. agrees with Hillary and W about this. We must be drawing close to the general election when the Sheehanization of the DNC stops being cool and a big cash cow for leftist and liberal contributions. Or are there delegates at risk for B. Hussein Obama to gain and not risk by sounding, well sounding like his mentor's hero the Rev. Louis Farrakhan...or Jimmy Carter.

Perhaps Hillary, Barack, and George might call for Jimmy's detainment or removal of his former Presidential privileges if he insists on scorning the European leaders who are celebrating Israel's 60th birthday, while Jimmy meets with holocaust deniers and holocaust want to be repeaters for a friendly little chat about their shared common enemy, the current President who will only be in office another few months. What's up with Carter?

And why the sudden burst of rationality among the Democrats like Obama and Clinton? And how are George Soros, Cindy Sheehan, the land for peace and appeasement Left dealing with the emergence of this hateful divisiveness and sleeve wearing religionism on the part of the Queen and or the Messiah and or the great Carpenter? They seem to be getting a pass and Carter a mere 'tut tut'. But it is rather amazing.

Monday, February 25, 2008

On political hopes of the world and saviors...

...and other kooky ideas...

I discovered the hope of the entire world and its savior according to Louis Farrakhan at this link. (-: And all this time I had been wrong in thinking it was the global eco-Savior Albert the Magnificent or at least Queen Hillary, but I was wrong and Minister Farrakhan has correct me.

Not to be outdone as Savior by anyone, and especially as the knighted savior of earth from free market capitalism, Ralph Nader is back in the game. The poor, huddled masses are rejoicing today. Will he select Kucinich as his VP? Go Ralph!

This might be a good time for national repentance. Before another 911. Apparently we can't tap known terrorist phone calls to the USA anymore and all judicial appointments (that *may* have some lurking pro-lifers in the midst) are blocked.

Speaking of tapping terrorist phones, I was so glad 'Vantage Point' terrorists didn't use an iPhone. That would have been bad. Anyone laugh out loud at the Vantage Point attempts to dub CNN, "GNN" as current administration protectorates with only positive spin ("ignore those protesters!") with saintly intentions, "No no, turn it off .. don't show THAT?" LOL.

Larry Norman died the last Sunday of Feb 08

Mr. 'One Way to Heaven' sign, Mr. The Original Jesus Freak of the Jesus Movement, Mr. You've Been Left Behind and Wish We'd All Been Ready gets to see Jesus before the parousia.

I must admit I'm sad about this though heaven has another Live-Wire on its hands. Larry clearly had his spiritual ups and downs as we all do but he was a trophy of God's grace. In the midst of the ongoing 'bless me' music Larry wrote about VD/STDs, civil religion, racism, UFOs, the 2nd coming of Christ, false notions of Jesus, etc. and did so in a fresh style that was current with the dominant youth culture music of his day. Kind of the original CCM in a Christian culture that was monopolized by hymns-only (believe it or not! we could use a few more of those these days!). Larry wrote 'The Six O'Clock News' on media bias long before Coulter or Limbaugh!

Too few write music on such themes from a Christian worldview even today but when people speak a word of Scripture to a current brokenness it seems to me it is always something commendable. Larry did it with "Only Visiting this Planet" and other works. Keith Green did it with "So You Want to Go Back to Egypt" and other works. Others follow in the trail they blazed. Sure there are the songs on what the culture tells us is important like AIDs and environmental concerns but who is writing today about human cloning, harvesting human eggs, human trafficking, preventive war, discernment about Sharia, global terror etc? A lot of the Jesus Movement sadly has become its own subculture. There are noteworthy exceptions and I believe that revival has lasting, righteous, and even profound impact but it must be spiritually discerned when market forces seek to pedal it for pedaling sake.

Christians (like Larry Norman) in the arts are often aware that they are on enormously needy ground. The arts are full of super egos, super marketed, super prostituted (at times), fickle fads and fans and are intense contexts for inappropriate, performance-based self-esteem/human dignity, or the lack thereof, drivenness, perfectionisms... good night it is a mine field. To be there and take a stand for righteousness and not be molded by it is very tricky. Booking agents, the need for the next big gig or award, how to wow them one more is easy to lose focus on glorifying God and having a clear witness for Him in character, community, and content.

But death is a reminder of an empty tomb, and of a glorious reunion, of new bodies, of a new earth and heaven, of the ultimate victory of King Jesus. And it puts time and fortune and relationships...well actually the resurrection of Jesus from the dead and the super-real prospect of His any-moment return puts EVERYTHING in perspective! Jesus Lordship, our finite, frail, fallible, fallen status comes into focus and His glorious salvation as well.

How can one view such things and not turn from the self-centered life? Or see these things and not rely fully and only on Christ's substitutionary death for forgiveness of sin with great gratitude? Or not receive Him into the core of our being for empowerment over sin and His abiding Presence with us? How can one speak of knowing Jesus as a religious or therapeutic savior and not as King and rightful Lord whose word is our manifesto and unquestionably authoritative and true.

Thanks Larry for being a wonderful even if imperfect example of being a Christ follower who often thought and served and worshiped outside the box of mere political and denominational tribalisms, and various other group-think, conformities. Some musicians get knighted here below by mere mortals but today I suspect we can thank you in a fuller reality, Sir Norman. Thank you kindly.

Friday, February 22, 2008

Social Conservatives. Values Voters.

First the NY Times supports McCain. Then the NY Times slimes McCain. All rather predictable.

Limbaugh asked this question a LOT back in Iowa. But I haven't heard him asking it so much lately. "What if Mike Huckabee wins Iowa?"

Well what if Huckabee wins a whole bunch more States especially in the south? And now that the wimpier Bush has endorsed John McCain here's the real big question that I hope gets heard not just in Iowa and in Texas but all the way to Ohio and Pennsylvania:


Well for one thing, social conservatives will be quite happy and perhaps some in the GOP will experience a genuine versus a mere pragmatic hat tipping civility toward social conservative convictions. Perhaps.

After all, if we don't have intact families and we have zany understandings of 'significant others' as family but no Moms and Dads (like California text books exclude so as not to offend gay couples), and we have politicians wanting abortion rare and safe and legal but can't keep an abortion survivor alive (Obama voting 'present') or draw a line in the sand with the latest term, viable child being partially born alive then aborting banning (both Hillary and Obama support partial birth abortion) more question...

If we end up with those sorts of "values", will economic conservatism alone or military conservatism alone be good enough for you? Will they save us? What sort of country/place/civilization will we be defending? And what sort of 'product' will we be selling?

All the top three were against the vindicated science of Bush and for utilizing a moral-conviction-divided publics tax monies to fund the now debunked ineffective unique human embryo destroying procedure for procuring stem cells for cures. Stem cells we now know (by the grace of God or who knows what sort of Frankenstein-ian culture we might have become!) the cloner of Dolly the Sheep won't even use because they are not productive. BTW, culture of death champions like those who approve of partial birth abortion, still want to force you to be able to use your money to mess with these little humans in experiments.

No candidates are perfect. All are far from it and I am far from it too. But in light of the choices... Perhaps I should ask again, "Why wouldn't we want Huckabee to win Texas, Pennsylvania, and Ohio?" Because the NY Times endorses the other guy? Is that it?

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Teddy Kennedy and John McCain musings

I see John McCain won Florida. Finally a win for John McCain. His many media friends are making this a national holiday. I wonder if Mike Huckabee's friend Texas Walker, Chuck Norris didn't accidentally help McCain. How so? By saying to the aging snowbirds of FL that John McCain was too old to be President. LOL. Now that would do it! Chaos in the high rises.

And Ted Kennedy was insensitively asked whether or not he thought that similar to his family experiences, that Barack Hussein Obama might be in danger opposing Hillary. I do not remember the name of the media guy that asked Teddy the question but clearly Teddy is endorsing Barack H. Obama. A relatively unknown radio guy on WLS Chicago this morning thought it was a bad question to ask.

The WLS personality (Don W.?) said he was certain that if anything happened bad to BHO that it would be blamed on the vast right wing conspiracy and Bush. LOL. I suspect on the Muuve ahn dot o.r.g. crowd this would indeed be the case. No mention was made of the long list of Clinton cronies and associates who died odd deaths by the time I reached my destination in the car. And no mention of Hillary's friend Vince Foster. But the innuendo was all over the 'other' reporter for asking the question of Teddy, and all over Don W of WLS for mentioning a prior strategy to blame the vast conspiracies Hillary believes in.

OK these are merely musing but they are musings on items in our media these days and they do point to loopy times indeed. I'm not fond of the Hillary/Bill campaign or of Barack's rhetorical schmoozing of his disgustingly pro-abortion positions (opposing parental notification, supporting taking minors out of State for abortions against parental wishes in States with parental notification) and even being FOR partial birth abortion.

I waffle on which of the pro-life candidates I dislike the most, Mitt or John. I prefer Mike Huckabee but pragmatic evangelicals who only listen to the MSM tell me he CANNOT win though they didn't think he could or would win Iowa either, or still be in the race. I see the NRTL says Huckabee has the strongest pro-life record but even they won't endorse him after their shell shock endorsing Fred the fizzle Thompson. Crazy days. Crazy questions. Crazy positions. Personally, I'd prefer a Mike Huckabee candidacy with a McCain or Romney veep to the other way around.

But this is clearly NOT the classical, conventional, MSM peddled 'wisdom'. I don't care. I like Mike.