Thursday, September 04, 2008

Pro-Life Palin for President, 2 great reasons here

Sarah Palin for President! Two good reasons here. Do a quick refresh if you get an MSNBC commercial and skip their advertisers.

#1 One, Sarah Palin herself:
Condi Rice foolishly says we should divide Jerusalem, Israel to make room for the capitol of the Hamas-istinians...and the same day the hurricane slams the USA so bad the GOP convention goes on hold.

The next day RUDY says McCain is NOT for a divided Jerusalem, Israel and believes it belongs to Israel. And then a strongly pro-life, godly, gutsy, brilliant woman is to be the VP nominee speaking on a national stage and what do you know, the second wave hurricane storm isn't nearly as bad. Was that just my imagination? Perhaps. I take Genesis 12:2-3 rather seriously. You might question my hermeneutic or attempt to exaggerate specifics of what I'm blessing. No doubt some will.

But Sarah Palin's message above was fabulous! RUDY was very incredulously humorous and spot-on about Israel and Jerusalem, here.

#2 Two:

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