Monday, April 03, 2006

Yes Virginia, Mad-Scientists still in fact exist!

Save the world through intentional, mass killings through a painful death via Ebola. Sound like a radical jihadist group? Or does it sound like what it is, the guest speaker scientist at a Texas university, just prior to getting a standing ovation and a nice little award. Read it for yourself here at Mad Scientists Still Exist, get funding, applause, and awards.

I suppose I should be shocked but given the fact that the USA Today in its March 27th edition, Section D, Page One can't seem to differentiate between intelligent science and a 'flying spaghetti monster', giving the former almost no news space and the latter free advertising, I guess I'm forced to accept that loons exist in the academe and in pop-culture science pages of mainstream media newspapers owned by the huge Gannett publication firm. What is it about April and Earth Day? Can't we be environmentally responsible and rational without camping-out on April 1st?


Solameanie said...

This ranks right up there with that so-called bioethicist or whatever he is who openly calls for euthanasia. I wish I could recall his name (Singer?)..he's out east I think at an Ivy League school. I think the education establishment would be well served to get rid of tenure.

Joe B. Whitchurch said...

Sola Meanie, you are just too mean! Why if we didn't have Peter Singer and Ward Churchill and this latest Dr. Doom around, where would the sense of humor go? OK, OK, I'm with you. The only way they could be balanced on the political right would be if they were calling for bombing of abortion clinics and if they did so they'd lose their tenure. OK, it doesn't really balance with millions and billions dead to just do a clinic, but you get the point. It would endorse sloppy disregard for human life. So to be fair I will agree with you. Fire them. Fire all three of them. Do higher education a favor and don't recycle them. I'd say have them flip burgers but I don't trust Mr. Ebola near my Quarter Pounder!