Why does it take an outsider to reveal political correct nonsense in the church? That title is 'godless' not 'goddess'. LOL. Some appreciate Ann a bit too much. But sure, you can click here to get her book. And why not? She hasn't started calling the Presidents, former Presidents and/or her detractors 'Nazis' like so many other 'more respectable' books by media elites, and posturing, popular, political leftists, and university professors are doing.
Bill Bennett for President! Not likely but he is a good man and a clear thinker. Like the Ann Coulter book, if you buy this one for me, I will read it gladly. And yes, you can click here to buy it.
I'll admit it. I like Laura Ingraham's radio show and this is where I heard about this book. From the interview it sounds like another I'd love to read. Can someone tell me why our major media and a major political party want Bush censured but have nothing to say when China uses Yahoo and Google to censure Chinese access to democratic principles and resources on the web. Where is the library association's 'death cry'? Why isn't the ACLU going after Google and Yahoo? I didn't think there was any way to stop (porn) the internet information from coming into a country. Simply impossible. But not for the Chinese with the help of Google and Yahoo.
I suppose they are just keeping their CNN office open in Baghdad so they just HAVE to censure freedom. Click here to get the above mentioned book.
Speaking of censureship, here's one that seems reasonable for Jimmy... Carter.
Though George W. Bush isn't running for President again (someone tell the liberals!) Al Gore might be. Here is a very fun tribute to the main who rants and raves with the best of them. Click here for a 30 second ride with Al. Enjoy!
If you can find it in the U.S. Constitution that a right to privacy overrides a right for an innocent human life to be allowed to continue developing and continue to live, then you *might* be correct.
If you can find it in the U.S. Constitution that every citizen should be allowed to go through their entire life without ever seeing a religious implication or heritage or influence in society, e.g. having a right to a total secularism and never having to think about anything else, then you *might* be correct. Because these days, seeing something religious, might be offensive to someone.
Sadly it is my impression the ACLU has 'gone after' companies, schools, government authorities and properties and individuals who believe a Christmas symbol can be included on government property as having historic significance even when included along with other religious symbols honored in a community.
They have apparently gone after those who have sought to protect marriage as between one man and one woman for life. They have apparently gone after any who would seek to limit the scope of abortion on demand.
You are not American and I am not a lawyer, but I think you may be reading only PC news or legal brief sources. You might want to consider checking out the Christian Legal Society or American Center for Law and Justice, or the American Family Association, or the Family Research Council, or Charles Colson BreakPoint and faith-based initiatives in prisons, or Dr. James Dobson or former Presidential candidate Gary Bauer's Working Families PAC, or Dr. D. James Kennedy and other sources of news that do not parrot the party line of the ACLU itself and give other vantage points.
I think you will find historically and even recently the ACLU does take on worthy cases but increasingly it seems to be an activist for secularism to the point of removal or marginalizing any religious influence in the public square, or so it seems. I'd love to see evidence from their court cases in the last 20 years to the contrary.
It is interesting when people who aren't Americans try to educate us about our own Constitution. :)
I think it would be instructive for people to research the beginnings of the ACLU and see just who was backing them. What better way to get rid of freedom than by using freedom to attack it. Sounds like an oxymoron but it really isn't when one understands how the ultra leftist mindset works.
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