Click below to see how your Senators voted on taxpayer funding for human embryo experimentation:
After reviewing the list, we encourage you to contact your Senators and let them know how you feel about the way they voted on this legislation. For those here in Indiana, it is just another example of how both Lugar and Bayh have let the losing proposition of California go national.
More info on the 'experiments' here if you can view flash.
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It never fails to distress me how quickly we are falling into the Brave New World. I do not intend to make light of those suffering from diseases, but we should not get into the practice of killing human life to sustain other life.
Science is lousy at morals.
IN the same light, you might find this of interest, Reverend Joe.
Crownring, the full link bleeds off the page a bit but I'm guesing it has to do with adults behaving badly by taking minors across Statelines to obtain abortions without the minor parent's consent or even their knowledge. About as helpful as Hamas or Hezbollah to unborn babies and vulnerable young women. If I missed the intent of the link, do repost. Great to hear from ya.
Thank you, Brother Joe. I enjoy reading here very much, particularly since you're another Hoosier. ;)
In that regard, I wonder if you would care to comment on the actions of this pastor that are presented in the following article. Although I don't argee with him on everything, I believe much of what he says has merit.
Crownring, the link you sent me does have good points and merit. For instance, civil-religion of the right or the left is typically corrupting and bad. Attempting to dress Jesus up in UN peacekeeper blue helmet observer status or environmental Green or in Red White and Blue is ultimately reductionistic to Jesus and manipulative and divisive of the true Believers' loyalties and discernment. It is true that the military and the political left can and do make errors that are costly to freedom, human rights, and human dignity. As such they also rob the rightful glory of the God of the Bible, Yahweh at least in terms of that glory's human perspective. Yes, He can and does work out 'greater good' and such but it is not always ours to see how, where, and when.
That said, the link is pretty much an AOL (not such a nice organization if you are trying to get out of it as a email provider) "news as they'd like it to be reported" kind of spin thing. It only demonizes the religious right, a well-worn mantra to strum up fears in the religious left and mega dollars from Soros and Buffet and others. E.g. it is one-sided.
Some inside scoop: Brian McLaren (quoted in the article complimentary of pastor Boyd) would surprise the world greatly if he ever remotely appeared to appreciate a Republican candidate and clearly is Democrat or Green Party in his public values championing orientations. In CT recently he appeared to be saying evangelicals should have a several year ceise-talking on sexual ethics. This would be rather convenient for those who do not appreciate the role of light and salt in the world and on the earth.
Big scoop: Unless I'm mistaken this big Wittenburg Door type experience of Pastor Boyd, allegedly newly discovered about civil religion, was not likely all about which variety of civil religion he'll endorse and which he'll diss or even his discovery of a 'third way' or even some libertarian path. It is likely this is the Gregory Boyd of Bethel Seminary 'fame' that goes around upsetting and dividing people in the nicest personality sort of manner possible. He has a track record of such personality charisma cult activities dating back to when he helped promote the 'off the wall' newfound theological 'truth' that God (according to G. Boyd, interesting initials GB...but back to the point) his promotion of the theology that GOD IS NOT OMNISCIENT, e.g. his view that God does not know everything. OK, God just doesn't know the future. Al Gore does. The global warming people do. But God does not. My guess is that a lot of the departing faithful were previously ticked as their pastor's love of the margins of morality, the margins of orthodoxy, and the margins of Christian thinking began to wear and gnaw on them.
Likely they discovered that several of his 'margins' are 'over the edge' and past the margins. But they are however nicely in line with AOL's news-template of pro-choice, gay marriage, the only religious people who can't campaign at religious events (remember the civil rights movement or the Gore and the Buddhist monks? the growling preacha voice in urban black churches, the Wellstone funeral service in MN, etc?) are Republicans, etc. I agree that church should not be a caucus meeting and we should guard against civil religion.
Likewise we should also be on guard about one-sided reporting and remember the news sources that give us such. Then we need to scrutinize stories from them more significantly or even marginalize them for it when they persist when they've been duely and regularly exposed like say the New York Times for instance where AOL likely gets its news-feed. Thanks for the link Crownring.
Hi, Joe and Crownring..
A friend of mine sent me a link on the Boyd article. Yes indeed, he is that Greg Boyd who denies God's omniscience. Open Theism is the name of that particular heresy. His God dwells in time while our God dwells in eternity.
He is hardly what I could call a biblical evangelical, but the New York Times wouldn't catch that distinction. They're only glomming onto the story because some so-called "evangelical" has seen the light and turned his ship to port.
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