I have a red, white, and blue ribbon report that hasn't been released until now. Here are its conclusions on the Baker report.
1. The Baker group does NOT Totally repudiate Bush. But they do repudiate Kerry and Murtha in that its plan leaves us in Iraq through 2007 and increases our personnel there by tens of thousands, though it apparently seeks to foolishly disarm most of them.
2. The Baker plan will talk to everyone and be nice to all including terrorist and terror supporting organizations and will get them to do 'talking' and 'lying' by hurting Israel (called "the canary in the coal mine") by further forcefully pulling feathers out of the canary and perhaps sticking Israel with some voodoo needles to boot. Anyone who says negotiate with Iran is wrong-headed unless they are doing a fake, right before a sneak or surprise attack on Iran. The same can be said with Syria.
3. The Baker plan is planning for defeat like in SE Asia but without the instant visible 'boat people' TV viewing response. Baker is likely negotiating with Iran about limiting such coverage until we are totally out in two years. And thus inviting Iran to let us out so they can extend their influence in the region toward their intended first target the canary in the coal mine, Israel.
My red, white, and blue Panel of One, major report finding (smile) follows in nine short points.
1. Orchestrate through whatever channels are necessary, secretively with Israel or unilaterally a bombing campaign on known jihadist Iranian radical political, and jihadist political so-called religious leader(s) hangouts where they are most isolated and upon locations known for housing nuclear weapon research and development in after-hours to diminish unintended casualties. Even if we cannot be sure of being fully successful Iranian radical terror exporters and sword (nuke) rattlers need to be put on the defensive. They are currently engaged in terror and threatening global conquest similar to what Hitler was doing prior to WW2 but without the NY Times approval and nuclear weapons. They need something to gripe about and distract them.
2. We should tell Syria if they'd like to avoid such occuring in Damascus they can join us in Iraq expelling Iranian forces and giving us intelligence reports on happenings inside Iran. We can support the students who want freedom in Iran and worthy Syrians can help us weed out Iranians in Iraq aware that any slip up and Damascus jihadist-supporting politicals will suffer the same selective bombing fate. They can tell us what they did with the WMDs smuggled out of Iraq chemical and otherwise and be given a TIMETABLE for doing so in a verifiable way. And they should just start doing some democratic republic, power-sharing reforms now because contrary to what Rick Warren said, we know full well that they aren't that great on freedom of thinking, freedom of religious affiliation choices, and political pluralism. They also stink on human rights and we pretty much know they have also undermined our efforts to find the WMDs and to put down the radical jihadist terrorists in Iraq. They should even be called upon for a TIMETABLE of when such political reforms and intelligence information will be forthcoming before Damascus politicals encounters some fly-over wake-up calls. Oh yes, and they'll have to give Hezzbollah up too. We aren't asking for much. This is how you negotiate. Not by starting off with the kid gloves and inviting everyone to dinner as equally principled peace parnters.
3. Our military or better, our military forces supporting Iraqi military forces should forcefully remove Sodr and his top 5 generals from influence politically even if doing so involves killing them. Last I heard, they are at war with us and this is what happens in war. They are destabilizing and terrorizing and killing scores to undermine Iraq opportunities to exist as a unified nation under a rule of non jihadist law in a more democratic republic. There are people under Sodr's manipulative forces that would likely want a principled power-sharing government of genuine Islamic moderates but whose voices and personalities are unknown because of his tyranny and leadership style. Saddaam's capital punishment should be done immediately and confirmed by camera coverage.
4. Increase our military presence and training and protecting of Iraqi's who will endorse a MORE principled pluralistic government including Kurds, Christians, minority Jews, and the major Islamic parties who are willing with the blood of their lives proven to defend a more democratic republic. Give them one year to make these political changes in whatever configuration they'd like to but include any Judeo-Christian participation that lives there as well in the governing bodies as minority representatives. If they cannot do this, or are slow to do this, then we should inform them in no uncertain terms that they are signaling the Iranians that their attempts at a unified government without jihadist tyranny is a joke and is merely a welfare State short term benefiting from the blood of western soldiers for mere economic recovery. Nicety nice talk isn't going to win an Islamic negotiation debate. It may sound like crap to the NY Times and American sensibilities but it is the hard truth and it is time our media started telling the truth about such needs and interactions.
5. Mutha, Gates, Kerry, Kennedy, and Dean if they make a big stink about this should be asked for a TIMETABLE as to when they will be done with their temper tantrum, or else the Justice Department should begin investigations and bring them up on charges of treason under suspicion of inciting civil war in the USA, leaking our Iraq troop security issues to the NY Times and encouraging the enemy. They do this by extending opportunities to talk with the enemy but continue dissing, demonizing, and refusing to work at all with the elected President of the United States. My guess is there are other things needing investigation with these including campaign contributions, past taking bribes, slander, etc.
6. If the President is to be impeached out of childish revenge over Bill Clinton's which he did not participate and with whom his wimpy father has been overly-friendly, whether he (W) does anything or cooperates or works bi-partisan or not... and remember that Bill Clinton was impeached but could have likely been further impeached over the multiple legal, moral, ethical, and international including Chinese military hardware and technology empowerment and N.Korean nuke empowerment stupidities and illegalities... but the point is that IF President George W. Bush is to be impeached by these partisan ideological, leftist, haters of the USA in such a childish vengeful manner anyway, he might as well be impeached for the right reasons and causes and commence with #1-5 and do so sooner rather than later.
7. It is the conviction of this red, white, and blue panel of one that the Justice Department begin investigating the NY Times now for its role in leaking sensitive military information that has harmed our troops and done so as USA citizens operating their business on USA soil, paying USA taxes, and yet acting as if they are above the country and the rule of law at the cost of the lives of our troops and the liberation success of our mission and to the empowerment of radical, terrorist, Islamic, jihadists. If the NY Times is prosecuted fairly and thoroughly for their crimes, their want-to-be look-alikes like the LA Times, CNN, and the Washington Post might see the fairness, legal enforcement, 'writing on the wall' and start acting with more prudence. And if they don't like being under the rule of law and want to rant about it, talk radio is open to them as well. But they will have to find listeners willing to listen and advertise with them for their elitist, minority radical leftist views.
8. Our military personnel and NGOs and others should have restrictions on their free political speech as returning citizens in the USA, and those in Iraq should have religious speech codes and avoidance and correctness bans lifted and be given training in how to make their religious convictions understood in honest conversations with Iraqi military and civil defense colleagues. No coercions, no manipulations, not campaigning for faith in Iraq, but not exaggerated sensitivity to hush hush Christianity either.
9. Lastly Al Jazeera should be given the same warning as Syria and be put on a TIMETABLE for ending the broadcast of Jewish hate-speech about Jews being cannibals and they should provide intelligence for those who have been promoting the use of children for suicide missions and turn them in to Iraq and coalition of the willing enforcers. If the do not, their facilities should be taken out. It is true they can broadcast again elsewhere BUT it will cost them money, lives, inconvenience and put them on the defensive for supporting such genuine State sponsored bigotry and pro genocidal attitudes and abuse of children and murder. ---
Your input on the red, white, and blue report is valued in the comments.
Thursday, December 07, 2006
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Michelle Malkin has a fabulous link to a youtube flash remembrance of Pearl Harbor and the 1200 predominantly military deaths that day.
The day before we commemorate that day in infamy, in response to terrorist funded and celebrated and declarations of war on the USA in one day on Sept 11 resulting in the deaths of 3000 predominantly civilians on our own soil, our champion Neville Chamberlains (the Nazi appeaser) tell us we need conversations with Syria and Iran.
I suspect it won't be long and the conversation will be happening because of more terror on our homeland in response to our apparent weakness, and that conversation will be at the end of some cruise missiles. Sadly by the time we get a round to it, we'll likely have to endure a couple of those lobbed on our major metro (and very pro Chamberlain) cities.
Read your history, read your enemies' stated intentions, do the math and expand our military strength and resolve, and scope of engagements. Why should we be on the defensive with Tehran?! Will appeasing them in the short term feel good, make for better quality of life and freedoms in the future?
Read your history, read your enemies' stated intentions, do the math and expand our military strength and resolve, and scope of engagements to a couple bothersome neighbors. It need not be a ground war to slow their rhetoric and resolve. A couple strategic cruise missiles as a sobriety test could change attitudes like it helped in Lybia. Perhaps not, but appeasement will CERTAINLY make matters worse. Much worse. This enemy doesn't understand tea and cookies.
This, truly, is not worty of comment. What do you do again?
Okay, found the occupation. What college?
Did you get the information you were looking for regarding my various places of employment and the universities, grad student and professional student fellowships I influence? If not, my email is in my profile and I'll gladly fill you in. I blog my own thoughts and am not speaking as a representative of any organization or employer. Perhaps we can share employment history and resume' notes if you honestly think this would be helpful to know.
If a comment is not worthy of a comment, perhaps it should not be commented upon. (-: I'm happy to see that some of my own personal panel suggestions apparently are being considered recently.
Other people seem very concerned about protecting Iranian and Syrian leadership and their military interests. Stronger tactics with Iran's disruptive influence in Iraq are being tried along with the Surge and a strengthened resolve in the Iraqi security forces resulting in the destruction of a large, pro Saddaam cult, possibly resulting in Sadr's new found cooperation all seem like rather good developments to me.
I don't mind if people can't read the dates of such suggestions and read the newspapers today and put this together. I also don't believe I had any influence on these policies whatsoever. But apparently other minds in higher and more powerful and educated and synergized think-tank spheres are thinking some similar thoughts.
And non binding resolutions of the symbolism v. substance variety of bygone administrations (peace be upon them, and please do not resuscitate) are frankly the comments barely worth commenting on though I just did so with 'symbolism v. substance. The new leadership is much like the 'finger to the wind of public opinion' flipflopping, poll reader leaders of yesteryear
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