Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Sleepy musings on recent media bias on Iraq force

Enjoy a little 3 minute musing by yours truly on some not so common sense about Iraq, principled and strategic use of force and cartoon image journalism and photo opps in Indiana and nationally by clicking here. I'll admit to being a tad peeved but rightly so. Join me by clicking here and giving a fun little listen. IF you can't take a teasing (and liberals and leftists commonly seem to be able to 'dish it out' but have very thin skin when it comes back to them) I'll forewarn you to NOT listen. I simply cannot pat your cyber-hand and say "There, there now Honey, it will be alright." (-:


DevinCarpenter said...

1. Love how you purposefully mispronounce names. Way to further dialogue!
2. Nice one, Joe! You managed to get that “Hussein” in the middle of Obama! (Sadly, you missed that opportunity to rhyme Obama with Osama.)
3. I can’t tell if you mispronounced Dennis Kucinich’s name because you were trying to be glib, or you just can’t read. Either way, I’m still loving this!
4. O My! A hybrid! Hussein-ich! How do you come up with this stuff? Because I need to transfer to the college that you went to now. I mean, I’m just not getting the type of education from the Godless institution you need to come up with such hilarious banter!
5. (Wait…we do hear about stem cells potentially curing sickle cell anemia…but if you say it, I believe it. Did you hear this from a tour-guide too? I need to get his number, he dispenses great information.)
6. “Hollyweird!” Another original tongue-waggler!
7. (How would Barack Obama becoming president not raise African Americans to high office?)
8. (Besides the fact that Gay Marriage did get through a legislature in California and was vetoed by the governor…but, I mostly agree with you on this. They should let it come to a vote in Massachusetts; it actually, would probably win.) I guess, you think abortion should be voted on too then?
9. (did you say “conception through infancy?”) No pro-life candidate? Well, I guess The majority leader of the senate isn’t really a candidate…
10. (Barack Obama as sympathetic to infanticide…another fact from that tour-guide?)
11. I agree: when Nancy Pelosi surrounds herself with children it is disgusting (against Christian morals etc. etc.), when Bush does it (for the stem-cell speech for example) it is the very epitome…nay! The zenith, of Christian politics…the only good kind.
12. That cartoon is so misguiding! How dare they criticize militarism! Look how good it has worked in the past!
13. (If you think Clinton and Carter accomplished less than Bush, you are delusional.)
14. I love how you say “nego-s-i-ate….
15. (The whole Qadaffi argument was trumpeted by Hitchens…turned out Qadaffi gave up his weapons because of your despised “talks.”)
16. (I was just wondering, “how do you define cultists?”
17. (Could you give a reference about Sadr?)

Well, I don’t know why that would offend anyone. (Maybe horse lovers?...or people with anything higher than a high school degree.) I just want to know WHY you recorded that…haha. Was that for an actual program? If so, how do I listen; and is it a liberal station that pays you to talk so they can have a good laugh?

Joe B. Whitchurch said...

Hi Devin, glad you liked the fun of #1-3, but as to number 4 I must admit I am sorry you are painting with such a broad brush about Indiana University in Bloomington. There are many fabulous resources, oppportunities, faculty and programs there. Yes, I'm sure there are godless influences just as you will discern in all human institutions if you look close enough but we shouldn't throw the baby out with the bathwater. OK, I know you are trying to sound like some fraud type fundy. I know I've never said such nor has your philosophy prof and my friend DT, but it is a clever ploy to misrepresent my position.

Glad you liked numbers 6 (we apparently agree on States rights) and number 8, though my guess is you'd limit those rights to Massachusetts and California voters the way you frame your position. I do not know what you are referencing in number 9. I got number 10 from Alan Keyes, former U.S. Ambassador to the UN. I believe it refers to Barak's views on 'treatment not to treat' a viable survivor of a late term abortion. Not too radical for your environment. I believe Baby Doe or Baby Jane Doe was starved to death (treatment not to treat) in Bloomington because a respiratory disfunction was not allowed to be surgically corrected way back in the early 80s.

Number 11 seems to exaggerate my position on Bush but suffice it to say that I believe ones who protect life from conception through infancy strike me as more appropriate in photo opps with young children than those who feign concern and protection but legislate otherwise.

I'll give Clinton credit for the defense of marriage act (DOMA) passing and for welfare reform. But W as better than alleged evangelical Carter who your political friends would ridicule for 'witnessing' to the Russian President if he (Carter) were seen through today's anti-faith lenses? Yes. I'll be delusional, just for you Devin.

Sadr's recent relative congeniality to Iraqi troop presence in Sadr City was mentioned on Limbaugh (who warned it could be a trojan horse military ploy) and by Gary Bauer and my guess is the major media will get it on page 12 in the next couple days along with the failed terror plot in England today. As I mentioned, good news on good policy is not as interesting to them as horse loving be it the euthenized racer or the Sundance film . . . ahem . . . thing.

I suspect the talks which I do not loathe but do not always find helpful were more effectual when a principled and strategic utilization of force wasn't seen as mindless babblings from the UN and were seen as a potential reality by the former terror proponent.

The cartoon inspired me as well as the news on Sadr that directly seemed to contradict the cartoon journalist viewpoint. The viewpoint that seemed to believe 'talk' would win out with people who say they intend to get nukes and use them to annihilate Israel and the USA. Some political rhetoric in the USA could say similar things (Bush is a terrorist, etc) but we'd recognize it as Teddy or Dean after they'd had a few too many drinks. But these say it stone faced sober. I suspect you know this.

Solameanie said...


Maybe when you attain Joe's level of education as well as life experience/age, you will look at things differently. As it is now, Sonny, you've got a lot to learn.

Joe B. Whitchurch said...

Solameanie, try to be kind to Mr. Carpenter. I'd know your shoulders can be a bit broader on this and I know you can take a good teasing.

DevinCarpenter said...


When i reach such a high level of education then I can change people's names to make them sound funny! I can't wait. Thanks for reaffirming that you offer nothing of substance, ever.

DevinCarpenter said...

I can take a good teasing, especially when it is (unintentionally) hilarious and completley false.