Jimmy Carter's former head of national security Zbigniew Brzezinski spoke last week at Duke and a bigger scandal should have happened than the one Duke was exposed to most recently. The local paper reported on the speech here:
Brzezinski said we need not assume that if we bailed out of Iraq today that there would have to be any blood-letting and stated that clearly such didn't happen when we pulled out of Vietnam. Ahem, It is good to remember why we don't want these elitists back in the White House.
No blood letting after we pulled out of Vietnam and no chaos in connecting countries? Such is the sort of 'left-nic cleansing' of the appeaser' s memory. Z-big-new, are you a brain dead ninny? Have you never heard of the Killing fields of Cambodia? Were you watching the 'Love Boat' when the news media briefly showed us the boat people fleeing murder, mayhem, and torture, favoring starvation or being eaten by sharks to their treatment under the surge of communist "liberators". Liberators of yours, Carter's, and Jane Fonda's ilk. Joined lately by Kerry, Murtha, Sheehan, and Pelossi.
Z-big-new, according to your and Jimmy Carter's worldview what exactly were these slaughtered lives then? Clearly if they were not humans experiencing bloodletting in your view, what were they! Were they just extra human embryos that were going to die anyway!? Were they sub-human and only "potential persons"!? Are you telling us not to worry, it all helped advance the glorious 'science' of population control and diminished the global warming at least from these human animals? Is this what you are telling us? Is this the Carter, Brzezinski, Murtha, Sheehan thinking and historical viewpoint? What loons! What a bunch of yahoos!
Zbigniew and Jimmy should have had an opportunity to sit where Daniel Pearl sat with the hooded men behind them and spin their near-absolute stupidity. The terrorists would have likely had a gut splitting laugh at their captive diplomat's near-lunatic loggings. Alas, only in the western media would such be quoted only with a sidebar question only. No snearing. No incredulous laughing out loud. No shaming the speaker or insider-mockery. No, when people of this ilk say such things we must seek first to understand. 'What could this mean?' or 'What must he have really meant?' or some polite benefit of the doubt, benefit of restrained incredulity. Why is this? He said it. He said it publicly. He has speech writers and screeners. He said it at a major university. He is a loon.
These two (Carter and Brzezinski, sounds like Lewinski...sort of) are silly and if we want to be gracious about it, let us just call it early senility. But please media and major universities, please don't embarrass them publicly by quoting them or interviewing them. Let them ride off into the Reagan sunset. They clearly will need help doing so as graciously as Reagan did. This is sad. Very sad if it weren't so pathetic. And very pathetic if it weren't feeding gun powder to the pitbull "peace at anyone elses' price" culture of death activists. OK, evil then.
Yahoo news today continues the nonsense with the headline that Iran sees hope in England's response to their (Iranian) illegal activities capturing and likely torturing the UK's Navy personnel and utilizing the captured in media propoganda footage. It is just so wonderful that Yahoo, like Duke, can report on such matters and make sure to give Iran the moral high ground along with Brzezinski and Carter, Michael Moore and Cindy Sheehan, military superstars Murtha and Kerry, and Pelossi and Kennedy and... Oops, I hurled my cookies.
Monday, April 02, 2007
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1 comment:
I couldn't agree more! Thanks for posting this. May I add one more possibility? It is indeed hard to think someone could possibly be so stupid. How about if Zbig and Carter indeed do know better, but they are simply spewing this misinformation intentionally to try and accomplish some political objective? Oh, no. Jimmy wouldn't do that? He's a Baptist. He's a born-again Sunday school teacher from Plains, Georgia.
Snort. Think again. He gets more out of Paul Tillich and who knows who else than he does the New Testament. The sad thing is that people actually listen to these clowns and give them credibility. The ineptitude of the Carter Administration was clearly shown in the Iranian hostage crisis of 1979, and people still listen. Amazing.
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