Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Al Qaeda is NOT in Iraq, Come on home? Crazy??

Maybe you didn't hear the Democrat Party national leadership, the liberals, and the left wingers. Al Qaeda is not IN Iraq. We need to leave Iraq. There is no war on terror or terrorists or terrorism in Iraq. We lost Iraq.

Then some group calling itself Al Qaeda says they kidnapped three of our troops in Iraq. What are we to think now? Here are some options:

1. Say it isn't Iraq where are troops were located?
2. Say it isn't Al Qaeda that said they were Al Qaeda?
3. Say Al Qaeda isn't a terrorist organization?
4. Bring our troops home today and ask Al Qaeda to fight them here?

Oops, strike #4 in part. Why? Well because radical jihadist Islamic extremists are already doing this here via their attempt on military Fort training place in the south.

Ah but then the trial lawyers can represent the extremists and Al Qaeda and make some money off the war demonizing how someone else "made them that way." The trouble is it is hard to get a hardened terrorist to 'cry on cue for the cameras' and talk about his mommy and daddy's neglect and shave and shower and look like a Menendez brother.

What? It appears the surge which hasn't even reached its full strength yet has all ready run out of time and failed in its mission. It all sounds so familiar now. Right is wrong, up is down, terrorists are good, we are terrorists.

So we approve the surge then only let it spurt about 2/3rds of the way and give it a week to complete the task, a week that is before it fully begins. That's fair.

Pray our countrymen and women, our troops, their commanders, the political grandstanders and their puppet masters on the radical Left are all seen for what and who they are. This is (of course) an "its gonna take a miracle" prayer because our major outlet media from the NY Times and all its want-to-be mimics (Gannett, LA Times, etc) as well as CNN and all its want-to-be mimics like MSNBC, Daytime TV etc are committed to ONLY showing the most embarrassing and imbicilic individualistic idiosyncratic aspects of our troops, their commanders, and their supporters. Keep praying though. God majors in the impossible.


jonathan said...

Did you notice how much of what you said was posted in the media?


(OK, some guy called in on Rush Limbaugh, and that was about it...)

And sadly, people think they can ignore the 80% majority of self titled liberal journalists in the media today, and say that its a fair news world out there.

It amazes me that somehow pulling out of Iraq is somehow going to boost national secuirity...as supposed to staying heavily involved in perhaps currently the most dangerous area of the world.

Joe B. Whitchurch said...

Thanks Jonathan. I sometimes take an odd sort of comfort when the stuff I say and think is nowhere mentioned in the MSM. But then I remember, I'll bet a lot of people are thinking the same thing but don't write or blog or call talk shows. They just let their subscriptions run out and watch other channels...C-SPAN, sometimes FOX News, etc.

Your reply was very encouraging. Hope you see that I blogged on your blog about the new Spiderman movie in response to your insights. Thanks again. It is great to know you are holding forth in Massachusetts inspite of having no representation in the US Senate whatsoever. God bless you!

Do you mind my asking; How did you run across my blog?

jonathan said...

Hmmm...you commented on someone elses, but I can't remember quite exactly who it was.

jonathan said...

Oh, and since you are pretty interested in getting noticed, I happened to quote you on a post about Jerry Falwell (I hadn't realize you had already posted, so hopefully you don't mind).

Solameanie said...


It was me, I think. I link to Joe's blog at my own.

Joe, did you catch any of Tony Blair's comments today during his joint news conference with President Bush? It is amazing how strong he is on the war, given that he is to the left of center politically. Too bad some of our Dems can't learn a lesson from him.

Benjamin Boerner said...

Very well spoken and insightful. I'll definately keep reading.

Joe B. Whitchurch said...

Thanks all. I heard former President Jimmy Carter dissing Blair. Shouldn't former presidents have a bit more tact, prudence, restraint?