Thursday, February 02, 2006

The United States Senate is the problem.

this is an audio post - click to play

The polls say people are upset with Congress. They also said our current President would lose the election both times. Nevertheless I believe people are upset with PART of Congress and that part is the United States Senate. Sure Kennedy and Durbin have led the parade of imbiciles in 'over the top' rhetoric, but even RINOs (Republicans In Name Only) like Arlen Specter and others who tout 'super duper' precedence and such are really 'leading' and manifestly manipulative. Someone is buying these guys a lot of carrots or threatening them with big sticks to get them to do such crazed performances.

1 comment:

Solameanie said...

Every time I watch the Senate in session, I think I am watching an old Foghorn Leghorn cartoon.

Unfortunately, there is little incentive within the Senate to change. The hunger for money and power (plus an affinity for klieg lights) is too strong. We love to blame other senators but not the senators from our home state. People are also too distracted with their own lives to get their dander up enough sufficiently to change things.

Is our republic doomed? Could be.