Friday, February 10, 2006

Cartoon Riots, the secular 'Crusade' against religion

Did you see in that the US Supreme Court has an 'image' of Mohammed with sword engraved in its wall? Clearly it is meant to be repectful of people associated with moral law. But if the radicals' issue is; 'no image of the prophet or riot' then what now...
See article above. It kind of makes one want to post the cartoons not to condone them but to say, "Here's what we don't like about secularist treatment of religion in general and what is causing shame versus law-based societies to 'kill and vandalize by association', just FYI." Then just to make the point of relative safety by association, put up the picture from the U.S. Supreme Court (see above) along side it. (-:

Humorously speaking only; If some jihadists, and Iran nuke problem-obfuscating radicals want to vandalize our High Court say..for passing Roe v Wade and doing so right in the presence of a picture of the 'prophet', well...OK..they'd be wrong and in some very deep water.. LOL... It kind of puts the 'evils' of the peaceful, pro-life, 'Operation Rescue' protesters and their nonviolent, sit-ins, to protect human life in perspective, doesn't it? Oh the troubles of the naturalists/secularists/atheists. May *God* YHWH help them.

OK, some new 'blame evangelicals first' book titles just for fun. "Why do all these people HATE the Euro secularists?" LOL "Why do the rest HATE the secular Euro West?" (-: I guess these are the unasked questions of the day because of course we *all* know they really only hate Bush. "Why do secularists HATE religion?", might be another unasked question. Alas the pits the pagans do seem to perpetually dig for them/our/selves.

BTW, I think the cartoon of Mo. with the bomb in his turbin is clearly disrespectful. Honestly. I do. I don't care for it at all. I'm not sure it goes to the level of depictions of Deity (Jesus) on the cross, submerged in human urine and funded by the National Endowment for the Arts or the ones of other Christian revered depictions smeared with Elephant dung and likewise funded, but yes I find it in poor taste and worthy of the secular Euro elites making a sincere apology for publishing. What a wake up call for them. Suppose they might stop demonizing the war on terror? Doubt it. See the cartoons (most of which are benign imho) here. but really the other link above, to the Supreme Court is the one that really has me chuckling inside. And of enormous surprise I'm sure to the secularists who seem to control the mainstream, western media, it was actually put there long before Alito, Roberts, Scalia, and Thomas. Imagine! LOL uncontrolably.


mal said...

I am honestly wondering if some one in the mid east was not looking for a cause celebre to rally around? I agree the cartoons were in bad taste. They were also poorly done and the whole thing would have quietly died a week after publication if not for the "protests"

Joe B. Whitchurch said...

Mallory, thanks for posting. I have heard that perhaps the level of the protestations has been heightened in part to take attention away from the Iranian march toward being armed with nuclear weapons. I like your turn of phrase, 'cause celebre'. Who would ever have thought Islamic extremists and jihadists would look for such? Makes you wonder about the Iran paradigm even more perhaps.

Solameanie said...

The Supreme Court carving I take as God getting the last laugh..the "prophet" and the sword. Sort of like how Spock was sent out to his supposedly eternal resting place on the Genesis planet (in the wrath of Khan) to the strains of Mr. Scott playing "Amazing Grace" on the bagpipes. That struck me as hysterically funny especially because Star Trek's writers always liked to refer to the Bible/Christianity as myth.

God always gets the last laugh.